做空活动中的战略性公告 Strategic Announcements in Short-Selling Campaigns

时间:2024-04-23         阅读:


主题做空活动中的战略性公告 Strategic Announcements in Short-Selling Campaigns

主讲人香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院 陈镜璇助理教授

主持人av男人的天堂成人电影金融研究院 牛子龙副教授

时间4月25日 14:00-15:30


主办单位:金融研究院 科研处


陈镜璇,香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院助理教授。陈镜璇在伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)获得金融学博士学位,在中国人民大学获得金融学硕士学位,在北京大学获得数学学士学位。她还是伦敦政治经济学院金融市场小组和保罗-伍利中心的学者。她的主要研究领域是金融中介、信息经济学和资产定价,目前的研究方向是金融市场中通过通信和交易进行的信息传递。她的论文被国际重要学术会议邀请,如AFA、EFA、SFS Cavalcade NA、EEA-ESEM等。



I study how hedge funds strategically disclose their private information during short-selling campaigns. Using data on hedge funds' voluntary announcements and daily short positions in the EU market, I document the existence of two groups of funds: Announcers and Followers. Announcers, typically small and young, (1) establish short positions, (2) publish research reports about short targets, and (3) realise profits from the falling price within a short time frame. Followers, usually large, enter at the release of the report and increase their short positions even after announcers exit. To understand the strategic interaction among short sellers, I provide a model to explain how size affects a short seller’s incentive and behaviour. Small funds benefit more from disclosing when facing binding leverage constraints. In contrast, large funds profit from others’ private information by offering capital to price discovery. I characterize the effect of such short-selling campaigns on market efficiency and confirm the model prediction that stocks with lower borrowing costs and larger mispricing are more likely to be announced by hedge funds.

av男人的天堂成人电影  版权所有 [email protected]     蜀ICP备 05006386-1号      川公网安备51010502010087号